Groups is available under Administration -> Groups
A group is a list of users, and helps setting permissions. The program comes with a set of common groups, like Medics, Front-Desk, Nurses, and so on. You can create other groups if your business requires it.
Create a New Group
1. Click the New Group button on the tool bar.
2. Enter information in the text boxes. Use the Tab key to move from box to box.
3. Add members to the Group: use the search combo box to retrieve Users.
4. Click the Save and Close button to save the record.
Editing a Group
1. Select a Group in the viewer and click the Edit button on the tool bar.
Deleting a Group
1. Select a Group in the viewer and click the Delete button on the tool bar.
2. Answer Yes to the confirmation prompt to remove the Group.
Assign users to a group
A user assigned to a group will inherit all the permissions of that group. You can assign a user to one or more groups, and the users will have all the cumulate permissions of the groups. For example, if the user is in the Front Desk and in the Cashier group, they may be able to do both scheduling and billing.
1. Select a group, right click and select Manage Group members
2. In the opened window, the unassigned users are in the left list and the assigned ones in the right list.
2.1. Assign a User to a group - select the user or users from the left list and click the > button. To save the changes to the database click the Save and Close button.
2.2. Unassign a User to a group - select the user or users from the right list and click the < button. To save the changes to the database click the Save and Close button.
Related topics: Users, Permissions, More Permissions