Medical Units is available under Administration -> Medical Units

The Medical Unit represents the Clinic, Medical Office or Hospital. The name of the Medical Unit will appear on certain Reports. Patient Manager enable the management of multiple Medical Units within the same database.

Open the Medical Units viewer by clicking Administration -> Medical Units in the ribbon

Create a New Medical Unit

1. Click the New Medical Unit button on the toolbar.

2. Enter information in the text boxes. Use the Tab key to move from box to box.

3. Click the Save and Close button to save the record.


Setting up a Medical Unit

1. Select a Medical Unit in the viewer and double-click on it.
Click here to read more about how to Setup a Medical Unit.


Editing a Medical Unit

1. Select a Medical Unit in the viewer and click the Edit button on the toolbar.


Deleting a Medical Unit

1. Select a Medical Unit in the viewer and click the Delete button on the toolbar.

2. Answer Yes to the confirmation prompt to remove the Medical Unit.

Activity logs warning icon Note that removing a Medical Unit will remove any related records linked to that Medical unit.

These operations are available only for users in the Administrators group.