Copayers List viewer is available under the Copayers

Copayers are persons or companies that contribute to the payment of a patient invoice. They can be set in the Patient Editor and later build reports on them. The program supports a single copayer per invoice, and you can set for each invoice line the amount or the percent that the copayer is covering.

Adding a New Copayer

1. Click the New button on the toolbar.

2. Enter information in the text boxes. Use the Tab key to move to the next text box.

3. Click the Save and Close button to save the record.


Editing an Copayer

1. Select an copayer in the viewer and click the Edit button on the toolbar. The Invoice editor opens.

2. Modify the copayer details and click the Save and Close button to update the modifications.


Deleting an Copayer

1. Select an copayer in the viewer and click the Delete button on the toolbar.

2. Click the Yes button to confirm. The selected copayer is deleted.


Activity logs warning icon Removing an copayer removes all the records linked to that copayer.