The Treatments viewer is available under the Records. The Drug prescriptions arrow icon button should be press in the ribbon.


How to use the Treatments viewer

1. The viewer can be used to view the records of all patients with All Patients pressed, or

2. View the records of a single patient. Click Search Patient to filter by patient

3. Additionally you can filter by a date range with Drug prescriptions daterange selection

4. Or do searches by pressing the Drug prescriptions search icon  button and typing your search text

Create a New Treatment

1. Click the New Treatment button on the toolbar.
2. Enter information in the Treatment Editor. Use the Tab key to move from box to box.
3. Click the Save and Close button to save the record.

Editing a Treatment

1. Select a Treatment item and click the Edit button on the toolbar.
2. Change information in the Treatment Editor. Use the Tab key to move from box to box.
3. Click the Save and Close button to save the record.


Deleting a Treatment

1. Select a Treatment item and click the Delete button on the toolbar.
2. Click Yes in the confirmation box. 

Using the Treatment Editor

The Treatment Editor is the editor used to create a new Treatment or edit an existing one.
1. Filling the fields in the Treatment Editor:

2. Name the Treatment in the Title text box.

3. Set the billing information in the Cost and Paid text boxes.

4. Edit the Treatment details in the Details box.

5. When finished, click the Save and Close button to save the record.

Additionally you can:

1. Change the Treatment Date in the Date box.

2. Change the Medic who makes the Treatment in the Medic box.

3. Insert a Questionnaire into the Treatment details, by clicking the Insert Questionnaire button. If more Questionnaires are available for the Treatment, select one from the prompted list.

4. Manage the Images attached to the Treatment:

5. Attach images to the Treatment, by clicking the Attach Image From File button or Record Image button.

6. Edit an attached Image by clicking the Edit Image button.

7. Rename an attached Image by clicking the Rename button.

7. Detach an attached Image by clicking Detach Image button. Please note, that by detaching an Image will not remove the Image from the database. The Image will be available in the Patient Images folder.