Prices & Stocks
Prices & Stocks viewer is available under the Company tab
Changing the Sale Price
1. Select the Location you are working with
2. Select the Item from items box. A Sale Price panel like above will appear.
3. Sale Price
3.1. Use Common Price - for the current location and item, the common sale price will apply
3.1. Use Location Price - for the current location and item, the specified location price will apply
4. Press Save Changes to save to database the prices
View the stocks and setting the Initial Stock
1. Select the Location you are working with
2. Select an inventory item in the Items box. An inventory panel should appear under the Sale Price panel, like above
3. Inventory
3.1. Location Stock - the stock for the current location
3.1. Total Stock - the stock from all the locations
3.3. The grid displays the current stock for this location, broken down by purchase price
3.4. Add Item Stock - use this command to add new items into stock