Tasks are available under the Office module 

About Tasks

The tasks management support is a professional way for planning and tracking progress of team tasks. It will help increase your overall business performance through efficient planning and management of teamwork.


 Office tasks window


Create Tasks

You can easily insert scheduled tasks on any time slot in the Timeline or in the task list, by double clicking at the specific time location. 

Also, you can press the Office tasks icon button in order to call the Task Editor. You can assign to your tasks categories, particularize by colors and images, for at-a-glance identification. More in Task Editor


Assign Tasks to other users

In order to assign tasks to other users, within the Task Editor, you just have to select as task's Owner the desired User.


Mark Tasks as completed

There are three ways to mark a task as being completed. In the List visualization mode, the easiest solution is to check the check box displayed near to the task name. When the task object is selected, you can also press the Mark Complete button. Within the Task Editor, you can either press the Mark Complete button, or manually change the status in the Status combo box.
A Completed task will be automatically drawn with strikeout font.


Share Tasks

Set the Task as being a private one by checking the Private check box within the Task Editor or use the Sharing option from toolbar in order to define custom sharing.

Visualize Tasks as List or in Timeline

Tasks can be visualized as simple and efficient List of items, or can be visualized within the Timeline, as time based representation, considering their Start and Due Dates.

Office tasks gant chart


Tasks filtering controls area

With just one click you can specify what kind of tasks to be displayed, basing on information as Status or Due date. Also, you can choose to have a detailed or not visualization of tasks in list.


Office tasks filter 


Tasks grouping

Get to the grouping window by pressing the Grouping button on the toolbar ( More should be pressed ).  There are four properties which the tasks grouping action can be based on: User, Category, Status and Priority. You can define any combination of groups within other groups.


Office tasks settings 




With a single click, for any scheduled task, Reminder can be defined. When tasks are about to start, you will be notified. You can easily dismiss or snooze the reminded tasks.


Office tasks notifications