What's new in Patient Manager 3.4


  • Copayer Memberships and Plans, with coverages and discounts
  • Nurse Notes
  • Billing Inpatient Admission Days
  • Prescription info in Pharmacy
  • Items of type Drug
  • Billable Prescriptions with Items of type Drug
  • Items with separate Tax (VAT)
  • Support for translation in your language

Copayer Memberships and Plans, with coverages and discounts

Now you can enter complex copayer plans, for insurances, companies which cover for their employees, or even parents covering for their children.

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More at Copayer Plans and Copayer Invoicing

Nurse Notes

Is a section in the program where nurses can enter clinical findings and patient documents with clinical findings. More at Nurse Notes

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Billing Inpatient Admission Days

Starting with this update, you can bill admission days from Patient Chart, as easy you bill treatments and drugs. More at Billing Admission Days

Billing admission days billable items invoice

Prescription info in Pharmacy

In Laboratory->Billable Drugs and Prepaid panels, press the marked button in the grid for prescription information

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Items of type Drug

You can define items of type drug besides the treatments:

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To import items of type drug you will need to add the AVAILABLE_AS_DRUG column with value 1 in the import file

Billable Prescriptions with Items of type Drug

To reduce the data entry faults when prescribing drugs for the pharmacy, we extended Items to be Available as Drug

Scenario 1 - Prescribe billable drugs

The drug names are hinted from the Items of type drug. The Drug Qty field is not available, as it should be contained in the items names

Patient consultation editor prescribe billabl

The program will warn if not enough drugs in company stock:

Patient consultation editor no items stock

Scenario 2 - Prescribe drugs for external pharmacy

The drug names are hinted from the Drug Names. Also the of type Drug Qty is available for a more relaxed prescription entry

Patient consultation editor pharmacy

Items with separate Tax (VAT)

You can define for each item a separate sales Tax(VAT), which will be applied on billing

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Support for translation in your language

You can translate the software in your language, and also test out the translation in the working copy. More at Translation