
  • Medical Certificates and Attendances
  • Medical Certificates and Attendances reports
  • Multi-line Complaints in Consultation
  • Print Multiple Drug Labels
  • Print to Separate Printers
  • Group minimize in Laboratory and Imaging Requests
  • Medic Percentages per Item
  • Supplier Buy Prices

Medical Certificates and Attendances

You can issue Medical Certificate documents and Medical Attendance documents, needed by your patients as proof that they were services by your organization. 

To print the documents you can use the default templates, or customize them to fit your needs.

Release notes 41

More details are available at Medical Certificates and Medical Attendances

Medical Certificates and Attendances reports

For all your issued certificates and attendances, you can build reports in the Reports module


Release notes 41 1

Multi-line Complaints in Consultation

The multi-line complaints makes your data entry faster, by reducing what you need to type. Similar to diagnoses and treatments fields, the complaint field is now multi-line, and gives you hints as you type from the previously entered complaints

Release notes 41 6

You can switch to the previous entry method with a single field, from Settings, by un-checking Enable Multiple Complaints check box.

Print Multiple Drug Labels

To streamline the process of printing of drug labels we introduced the printing of multiple labels at one sitting, instead of the previous need to print each label one at a time.

You can use it from the Pharmacy module in the Billable Drugs , Prepaid or Dispensed sections, by pressing the Print Labels buttons or links.

Release notes 41 2

Print to Separate Printers

If you need to print certain document types to a certain printer, you can set the printer for the document type once and it will be automatically selected in your next print.

This feature is supported Invoices, Payments, Receipts and some reports

Release notes 41 3

Treatments and Visits Statistics

For more insights on how your clinic or hospital is running, you need accurate metrics on as many indicators as possible. In this update we added to the existing ones, the Treatments Statistic and Patient Visit Statistic, both available in the Reports module

Release notes 41 4   Release notes 41 5

Group minimize in Laboratory and Imaging Requests

When you work with a large number of tests, you will need a lot of scrolling to check the test you want. 

Now each user can have the groups minimized or expanded, so entering a test request is faster.

Release notes 41 7

Medic Percentages per Item

For more flexibility in computing the medics' incomes, you now can set special percentage\fixed amounts per Item or Item Category in Company->Medic Percents

Supplier Buy Prices

If you have special buy prices per supplier, you can edit these prices from Purchases->Supplier Dashboard->Special Buy Prices or from Company->Items->Edit Item->Change Change Supplier Buy Prices