Treatment Plan Template Editor
The Treatment Plan Template Entry Editor allows you to define your predefined plan template, with entries for each required
Using of the Editor
1. Enter the Name of the template in the name field
2. Use the Add New Entry and Clone Day Entries to enter a new entries in the required day of treatment
3. When done, click Save and Close. Your template is ready to be used in Treatment Plans
Add New Entry
1. Day in plan - the day in which the entry should be completed
2. Time - the exact time in the specified day, when the entry should be completed
3. Name - the name of the entry
4. Description - the description of the entry, if any
5. Action - represents types of entry, in which specific actions can be done. You can choose one of the following:
5.1. None - no action is assigned. The resulted plan entry can be simply be Mark As Completed
5.2. Add Drug Prescription - The resulted action will prompt to enter a prescription, with the following predefined values
5.3. Administer Medication - The resulted action will prompt typically a nurse to administer medication, with the following predefined values
5.4. Apply Treatment - The resulted action will prompt a medic or a nurse to apply the treatment, with the following predefined values
5.5. Schedule Appointment - The resulted action will prompt typically a nurse to schedule an appointment with the patient
5.6. Use Material - The resulted action will prompt typically a nurse or assistant to use the specified Material