This feature is available only in the higher tiers of the program

Patient Treatment Plans is available under Records->Activities, under Patient Chart or under Inpatients 

Treatment Plans allow you to predefine once the steps of the patient treatments as templates, and reuse them as required on your patients

Examples of treatment plans:

    • a weekly entry for the reception to call the patient
    • a setup over months of what drugs or procedures should the patient take
    • a setup for inpatients for all the activities the patient will go through while in hospital

Patient treatment plans setup

You can predefine your plan templates from Treatment Plan Templates and Treatment Plan Template Editor

A plan template can be applied to any patient, resulting in actionable entries as defined in the template:

Patient treatment plans window

The responsible user will only have to complete the action of the entry, for example bellow to click on the Prescribe button:

Patient treatment plans editor

How to use the Treatment Plans viewer

1. The viewer can be used to view the records of all patients with All Patients pressed, or

2. View the records of a single patient. Click Search Patient to filter by patient

3. Additionally you can filter by a date range with Drug prescriptions daterange selection or by the medic in the plan

4. Or do searches by pressing the Drug prescriptions search icon  button and typing your search text

Viewing options

1. Change the preview mode from Drug prescriptions icon-> Preview

Add new Entries from Plan Templates

1.  Press the Add from Plan Template to use predefined templates in the entry of the plan

2.  Next use the Add Plan Entries from Template window to add your entries

Add new simple Treatment Plan Entries

1.  Press the New Entry button to manually add new entry

How to fill out a consultation you can learn at Treatment Plan Entry Editor

Edit existing Plan Entries

1. Double-click on any record in the list in order to edit it

Delete an existing Plan Entry

1. Select a Entry item and click the Delete button on the toolbar.
2. Click Yes in the confirmation box.