This editor allow the manual entry of a new plan entry, or the completion of an existing one

Treatment plan entry editor

Using of the Editor

1. Use the left sidebar to enter administrative information (Patient, Date, Medic, Location), and change the content of the right panel (Name, Description, Action)

2. Use the right panel to enter medical details of the encounter

3. Click Save and Close to save the entered consultation 

Editor Fields

1. Patient - the patient in the plan

2. Start Time - the date and time when the action in this entry should be completed

3. Medic - the medic who prescribed this plan

4. Location - the location where this entry should be completed

5. Status - can be None, Completed, Dismissed

6. Name - the name of the entry, if any

7. Description - the description of the entry, if any

8. Action - represent the predefined action which should be completed in this entry. You can choose one of the following:

       8.1. None - no special action is assigned. The resulted plan entry can be simply be Mark As Completed or Dismissed as the situation requires

            Treatment plan entry editor none

       8.2. Add Drug Prescription - The resulted action will prompt to enter a prescription, with the drug and values of the action, by pressing the Prescribe button

             Treatment plan entry editor drug prescription

              When Is Billable is checked, the prescribed drug will also be billable in the Billable Items

       8.3. Administer Medication - The resulted action will prompt typically a nurse to administer medication,  with the drug and values of the action, by pressing the Administer button

            Treatment plan entry editor administer drugs

When Is Billable is checked, the prescribed drug will also be billable in the Billable Items

             8.4. Apply Treatment - The resulted action will prompt a medic or a nurse to apply the treatment, with the following predefined values, by pressing the Apply Treatment button

            Treatment plan entry editor apply treatment

When Is Billable is checked, the treatment drug will also be billable in the Billable Items

             8.5. Schedule Appointment - The resulted action will prompt typically the reception to schedule an appointment with the patient, by pressing the Schedule Appointment button

            Treatment plan entry editor schedule appointm

    8.6. Add Document - The resulted action will prompt the adding of a patient document. If no document template is set, the user completing the action will choose the right one

            Treatment plan entry editor add document

      8.7. Add Form - The resulted action will prompt the adding of a patient form.  If no form template is set, the user completing the action will choose the right one

            Treatment plan entry editor add form