The Virtual Private Networking (VPN) is the basis of having a central server and remote computers connecting to it from different locations. One of the remote computers can act as server if it is convenient. VPN is a secure software that facilitates a network connection between two or more computers through the Internet. The setup and running of such as system is very easy, and similar to running a chat client.

To set up the program to run remotely on different locations: 

1. Connect the computers. Set up a VPN connection between the server computer and the remote computers. The recommended VPN software is from Hamachi ( Choose unmanaged mode. This software is free and is compatible with Patient Manager.

The order of 1,2 and 3 is not mandatory. If you already have installed Patient Manager or the database server, you DON'T have to un-install them to complete point 1, 2 ,3. 

2. Install Database Server. After setting the VPN connection, install the MySQL database server on the server. The VPN connection must be active while installing MySQL database server. See Installing MySQL in the network

3. Install Patient Manager on the server and the remote computers.

4. Connect the remove workstations to the server. Details in Installing MySQL in the network


Installing MySQL in the network

Choose the right Database

Database Manager

Database Connection Wizard

Upgrade from Access Database

Connect over the Internet

Database Connection

Database Management