
The installation of the Database server has 2 steps:

1. Install MySQL Server

Download and install Patient Manager on the computer that will store the data.

Click Tools -> Add New Database and virtually click Next on each step, except when selecting the Database Type. There you should select MySQL.

2. Connect the Workstations

Download and install Patient Manager on each workstation.

To connect them to the created database, press Tools -> Search Network. In the opened window select the just created database and press OK.

For a detailed guide of these two steps, read bellow.

Install MySQL Server

On the server computer where you plan to store the data, download and install Patient Manager 

After installation, from the main menu press Tools -> Add New Database

Installing mysql in the network choose db

Select MySQL and press Start.

Installing mysql in the network

Next with Default Database checked, press Start

If you already have MySQL server installed, choose the Custom option. Using the Default Database in this case may lead to loss of data in your existing MySQL

Installing mysql in the network downloading

Wait until the Database Installer program downloads.

After the download ends, the installation of Database Installer will begin. Click Next.

Installing mysql in the network start

Click Next again,

Installing mysql in the network EULA

Then click Install. If your records or names will be in Greek, Arabic or Thai, choose the appropriate character set

Installing mysql in the network charset

Click Next.

Installing mysql in the network installing

And then Finish.

Installing mysql in the network complete

Next, if you want your database to be populated with demo records press Yes, else press No.

Installing mysql in the network populate

Check both Publish and Restart check boxes and press Close.

Installing mysql in the network finish

The program will restart, connected to the newly created database that is accessible through the local network. 

To connect the workstations to this database, read bellow. 

Connect the workstations

On each workstation download and install [Patient Manager] 

From the program press Tools -> Open Database -> Search Network.

In the opened window, select the database previously created and press OK.

Installing mysql in the network choose

The program will restart and will connect to the selected database.

If your server database was not found by the Search Database, follow the steps:

  • open the program on the server computer, and export the connection dbxml from Tools->Export dbxml
  • copy the exported file onto your workstations
  • open the program on your workstations and import the copied file from Tools->Import dbxml

      If you cannot connect to the server, follow the troubleshooting steps.


Make sure that the workstation has network access to the server machine

Typically this can be checked by searching for the server machine in the work group computers.

The network access problem here can be caused by:

    • hardware network problems
    • firewall on the workstation
    • firewall on the server

To eliminate the possible firewall problem, disable the firewall on both server and workstation temporarily, until you test the connection.

Contact the network administrator if necessary to make possible the connection between the workstation and server.

If the connection is still not working, proceed to the next step.

Make sure that the MySQL instance on the server is running

You can also check if the database server is running from Control Panel ->Administrative Tools ->Services->MySQL51 service


Installing MySQL in the network

Choose the right Database

Database Manager

Database Connection Wizard

Upgrade from Access Database

Connect over the Internet

Database Connection

Database Management