Accessible for Medics and Nurses

Medics, nurses or other users are can view and manage the admitted inpatients and the pending tasks for each.

Room and Bed Layout

The structure of wards, rooms and beds can be customized by each hospital, and visualized in friendly layout.

Room Scheduler

With the Room Scheduler you easily admit new inpatients or move\extend stay for the existing ones.


All inpatient views can be scheduled by date, ward, assigned medic or bed status.

Integrates with Treatment Plans

Treatment plans prescribed by the medics are available in this module, so the nurses have real time overview of their tasks.

Integrates with Billing

The admission days are billed automatically into invoices and receipts, with the right room price and quantity.

Start your 30-Day Free Trial

Simple and quick trial setup. Have it up and running in less than 5 minutes


No signup or credit card required!